海外留学レポートReport from Overseas


Feb . 2018


 There are only a couple of months left till the day I go back to Japan. Time flies so fast! In QQE, there is a system that the student take the progress test once a month, which we can check our improvement. Recently, it has been more difficult to ascend my English level. The less time that is left, the more I feel chafing.  My weak points are writing and speaking, so I have to discipline these skills more.

I’ve continued to writing diary everyday since I came Cebu in order to improve my writing skill. Thanks to this journal, I feel my progress in writing skill. But now, I feel that my range of phrase is limited, thus I’ll hone my English expression. It can be said in speaking too. Hence I’ll maintain to write journal and increase my English vocabulary.

 In these days, I realized that it’s very hard to keep my motivation. I always have a lot of homework and examinations of the UV but, on the other hand, my friends in QQE go to some tourist spot every weekends. So I can’t be helped to feel exhausted sometimes.  In my case, I came here as an exchange student ,therefore I have to manage my tasks. I think that it’s very easy to do shoddy work, but it’s not a correct choice for me. I’ll continue to concentrate my study with taking an enough rest and sometimes going to some tourist spot, though there are some tiring things for me.

  At UV, I finished midterm exam and some semi-final exams. I still realized that I have to train my presentation skill hearing my classmate’s presentations. On the other hand, I feel my progress because I can use English better than before. I think that speaking English is quite different from understanding English. The most significant difference is that I have to respond immediately when I communicate with other people in English. For that, I need to accustom to making English sentences. Recently, the practice which I compose some phrases in my mind is effective. Thanks to this training, I’ve become a better English speaker. I’ll continue this practice! In addition, I must practice acting and dancing because we will perform theater show and dance festival. In Japan, I seldom have such opportunity which require self-expression so I feel a lot of stress… However, it’s a good chance to practice depicting my thought, feeling and idea effectively. During my limited stay in Cebu, I desire to discipline my abilities totally.


*The 1st picture was taken when I went to Kawasan falls with my friend! My Taiwanese roommate invited me to go there together. I could share good time with my new friends! The 2nd picture took with my classmates of UV. My classmates are very genial. Thanks to them, I can practice acting and dancing. I’m sure that our theater show will be succeeded!










※一枚目の写真は何人かの友人と一緒にカワサンの滝を訪れた時に撮ったものです。台湾人のルームメイトが私を誘ってくれました。新しい友人もでき、とてもいい思い出になりました。二枚目の写真はUV のクラスメイトと撮ったものです。みんな陽気で、私の演技やダンスの練習を支えてくれます。ミュージカルの本番まであと少しです!頑張りたいと思います!