海外留学レポートReport from Overseas


Feb . 2018

ALOHA~!!!For my recent activity report, first of all, I participated in volunteer. The name is Ohana Talk. It was closer to lesson than volunteering! I was able to exchange questions and answers with native people by face to face, learn salsa, and learn about the meaning of Hawaiian Islands and flowers. The opportunity is held monthly, I’m going to join in it again!

Second, I went to a mobile amusement park held only for two days, “Punahou Carnival” with my friend Heather! The venue was a high school where President Obama used to go to!!! In my opinion, surprisingly, as there is no amusement park in Hawaii, I thought that business would be successful if someone made an amusement park in Hawaii!

For me this month, I thought that I had a very good experience. We went to a chocolate factory. Then we could make chocolate and learned about history of chocolate. This week is a Midterm week, so I am busy preparing for that. However, as I think that I already finished half of the semester, I want more time to face English, and I was impatient.

Recently I had the opportunity to meet my senior who I look up to, and I got sweets which is my favorite food “Tourimon”. She always gave me nice advice and words, so I was able to raise my motivation to study abroad!! Good luck me for the rest of studying life in Hawaii!!!!!

MAHALO~By Mai Taguchi


 次に、”Punahou Carnival”という2日間開催された移動式遊園地に、私の友達のHeatherと遊びに行きましたが、実はその開催場所はObama大統領がかつて通われていた高校でした!実際に、遊園地に行ってみて、人が非常に多かったのを見て、ハワイに遊園地を作ったら、ビジネスが成功するのではないかと思いました!実はハワイには、移動式の遊園地はあっても固定化された遊園地はないのです!

最近の授業においては、先生と同じクラスの人たちと、Community dayにMenehune Macというチョコレート工場に課外授業として行く貴重な機会があり、実際にチョコを作ったり、チョコの歴史を工場見学の際に教わったりしました。今週はMidtermのウィークなので、私は試験に向けて奮闘中です。しかし、既にセメスターの半分を終えたと思うと、私はもっと長い間、英語と向き合いたいと思うと同時に、焦りが出てきました。

