海外留学レポートReport from Overseas

GO ON, GIVE IT TRY!挑戦しよう私!

Jan . 2018


Christmas of Hawaii was a big event for local people and it turn out to be celebrating mysteriously and dynamically. It’s also the day when Jesus Christ was born, where religion is involved. I heard that Merry Christmas in Hawaiian language is called “Mele kalikimaka”.

I greeted the New Year in Hawaii too. I could see 10,000 fireworks at church. On the day, I heard fireworks from various places. In Hawaii, I was surprised that it was possible to give several fireworks at home.

I thought I’m happy to have studied abroad because I can have some valuable experiences!

January is a brand new month for me because I can take second semester from 9th January to 16th March. As a concrete my goal, I hope I will do my best so that I can raise the score of TOEIC. Moreover, I want to be smart! In addition, the new semester could level up the class so I am motivated!!!! Good luck me!!!!!

MAHALO~ by Mai Taguchi


ハワイのクリスマスは、地元の人々にとって大きなイベントであり、宗教を根底に、神秘的且つダイナミックにお祝いされていまいした。豆知識ですが、ハワイversionのMerry Christmasは、Mele kalikimakaと言うそうです!



1月は2回目のセメスターが始まる月でして、3週間のWinter Vacationから気持ちを切り替え、NEW田口真愛に変貌を遂げたらいいと企んでいる現在です。私の具体的な目標としては、TOEICのスコアをあげることでして、ベストを尽くせたらと思っています。加えて、私はこの2回目のセメスターでHigh Basicクラスから、Intermediateクラスにレベルアップすることができたため、やる気に満ち満ちており、日々モチベーションをあげて邁進していきたいです!!!!幸あれわたし!