
Link to the world. 筑紫女学園と世界を結ぶ架け橋となる英語サイトが完成しました

Link to the world.



“Reliable and compassionate education.~その教育 しなやかで、ゆるぎない。~” この思いをこれからも世界中に伝えていきます。



Link to the World.
We have just opened an English Website that links Chikushi Jogakuen with the world!

We uploaded lots of pictures of our campus life in order that many people in the world not only Englsh speaker but also non-English speaker can enjoy the site.

As of year 2014, we have had cooperative agreements with over 15 universities in the world.
Every year many students from our partner universities come to ChikushiJogakuen University.
They enjoy their stay in Fukuoka, studying Japanese and Japanese Culture, and also interacting with Japanese students.

“Reliable and compassionate education” ,that is our mission, we send to the world.