海外留学レポートReport from Overseas

New Course

Feb . 2017
Hello everyone. January has passed so quickly and IELTS Preparation Course has started on 16. IELTS stands for “International English Language Testing System”. In many countries, IELETS is used for taking the right of permanent residence or entering university. This course is for the preparation for IELTS so we cover reading, listening, writing, speaking. Each week has one theme such as crime, family, environment etc. Therefore, I can expand my knowledge widely. Our class consists of 14 people from Russia, Brazil, China, Jordan, Thai, and Japan. Teacher David is a kiwi so he knows a lot about NZ and he is very interesting person. In the afternoon class, we mainly practice speaking. We have many opportunities to talk with other students and have to describe my opinion. Sometimes there is a difficult topic so I am still struggling. However, I feel my speaking has improved. I try to keep going.
From 4 to 6 February, I went to Tongariro National Park with my friend, which is sited as a World Heritage. The weather was perfect, there was no cloud in the sky. It took approximately 8 hours on foot. To be honest, it was super hard! However, the view from the summit was brilliant! There are many scenic places, but the best is definitely Blue Lake. I will never forget that beautiful place. I felt I was in another planet. If you come to NZ, you should visit Tongariro. I got a nice holiday instead of muscle pain and sunburn.
 新しいコースが1月16日に始まりました。IELTS PreparationコースではIELTSで出題されるテーマをもとにreading, listening, writing, speakingの全てを学習します。1週目は家族、2週目は犯罪、3週目は環境について学びました。テーマごとに専門用語が出てくるので覚えるのに必死ですが、speakingのときに実際に使うことで意味を正しく理解できていると思います。授業ではクラスメートと意見交換をする時間がたくさんあります。Speakingを上達させるにはとにかく「話す」ことが大切です。発音もひとりひとり違うのでlisteningの練習にもなっています。こちらに来て4か月以上経ちますが、以前よりspeakingもlisteningも上達したのを感じています。
 先週は3連休だったので、友人と世界遺産であるTongariro National Parkに行き、山登りをしてきました。登頂から下山まで約8時間と、とてもきつい登山でしたが日本にはない景色を見ることができました。また一つニュージーランドでの思い出が増えました。日焼け止めをぬったにも関わらずたくさん日焼けをしてニュージーランドの紫外線の恐ろしさを知りました。研修や留学でニュージーランドに来る皆さんで肌が弱い方は気を付けてくださいね。