海外留学レポートReport from Overseas

Life is like a box of chocolate

Sep . 2018

ALOHA! This is the beginning of my monthly report! Thank you for reading.

About 1 month have passed I came to Hawaii. I really enjoy both my school life and holiday.

First, I’ll write about my school life at UH. I’m taking HELP program to improve my comprehensive English skill for 7 month. There are 4 classes on Monday to Thursday focus on writing, reading, grammar, listening & speaking. Every day, I study hard to develop my vocabulary. In addition, this program has Service Learning system for HELP student mandatory.

I hope I can grow up through this program.

Second, about my holiday. On sunny day, I often go out with my friends to Waikiki, shopping…etc. Anyway, recently, I met my former English teacher , Tamah sensei and her former student, student’s colleague. We enjoyed campus tour, talking a lot about future vision.  I’ve always been thinking this topic before I came to Hawaii. “Why I chose Hawaii?” ”What purpose of studying abroad?” To make it clear, I want to enjoy Hawaii life the next 6 month as much as possible.


 さて、タイトルの続きですが、“You never know what you’re gonna get.”これは、現地の友人から教えてもらったあるアメリカ映画の一節です。前半と合わせて、人生のできごとをチョコレートに見立てた表現になります。留学も同じで、どんなできごとがあるかは実際行ってみなければ分からないのだと、このせりふと自分を重ね合わせてすごく共感しました。ハワイでの経験が自分を何倍をも成長させてくれると信じて、これからの留学生活を自分らしく乗り切って見せようと思います。

写真は、先日、本学で教師をなさっていたTamah Nakamura先生とお会いしたときのものです。簡単なキャンパスツアーと合わせてafternoon teaを楽しむことができました。毎日が新しい発見の連続です。私を支えてくれる周りの人々に感謝し、引き続き英語力の向上に努めます!