海外留学レポートReport from Overseas

Thank you & Goodbye

Aug . 2018

This month passed quickly because I was busy to prepare my final exams and assignment. One of my final tasks was writing essay, and I wrote about bilingualism in Canada. Until I came to Canada, I didn’t know that Canada has two official languages which are English and French. I wondered why Canada has two official language in one country. Therefore, I chose this topic for my final essay. There is historical background; Canada was colonized by Great Britain and France. The more I continued to search using internet and peer-review essay, the more I could broaden my knowledge about bilingualism in Canada. I’ve been here for around 1 year, but I realized that I don’t know about Canadian history well. I know some, but if I knew more detail and narrow information, I could enjoy Canada more, I think.

I went to Ottawa after finishing my final exams with my friend. We visited Canadian Museum of History. I thought it was good chance for me to know more information about bilingualism history. After researching at the museum, I could use some useful data for my essay. Now I improved history knowledge about Canada. I thought I should have learn Japanese history more because one of my classmates is a history teacher in Chile, and he and my teacher often talked about historical things about in Canada and Chile. However, I don’t have enough knowledge about Japanese history, so I couldn’t share it in the class.

All my school life in Canada had finished. I graduated from school on August 9. The graduation was very meaningful event because it was the last graduation for me. Fortunately, I served as valedictorian at the graduation party. I wouldn’t accept the offer to be a valedictorian without encouragement by my friends. I came here around one years ago. I did a lot of various things here which I can’t do in Japan. Throughout three session in the school, I met many people who often supported me and encouraged to be involved anything. I really appreciate them, and I will miss them. I will keep in touch with those people. I always spent much time with my friend who is from Taiwan. She is very active and talkative. I often stimulated to do anything actively, and I wanted to be like her. She always stayed next to me, and we shared emotions whether happy and sad. This study abroad changed my way of thinking and characteristics positively and let remove my shy point. I really want to say thank you to my parents because I think I couldn’t come here without their supports. The encounters in Canada and my experiences are my valuable memories and treasure forever.

My study abroad is almost done, but learning English is continuing even after going back to Japan. I want to boost my English more to achieve my next goal. In addition, I want to continue to involve in some volunteering. I worked hard as a member of volunteer club in school, and I learned how it important and helpful for people who need our support. Therefore I want to try to contribute some communities in Japan. Now I’m felling a sense of achievement, and I am very happy to pass all of my classes. I appreciate people; friends, classmates, teachers, staffs, and homestay family, who contributed me in Canada. Thank you so much and see you my life in Canada.


