海外留学レポートReport from Overseas

A Long Rest Time

May . 2018

 After a long winter, Spring has come at last. It had been snowing and had been below zero until the end of the April. Now, we can see dandelions around my house. The only problem is that it is too hot to wear long sleeve shirts anymore. The temperature is around 25 degrees Celsius, but people are already wearing sleeveless shirts; therefore, I’m wondering what clothes they’ll wear on the ‘real’ Summer.

 On the final assignment, we got a not bad score that was enough for my teammates and for all classmates to graduate from the course. We had a presentation based on the poster including all information evaluated from many sources. This time, the score was divided into for poster itself and the presentation, and the presentation was individually graded. Surprisingly, I got better points than other teammates. I had had some presentations by now, but I’m still not used to being in front of the class. However, seeing this score, I felt some growth even though it’s just a little for other people. Only one more semester is left for me. I want to improve my presentation skill more, and I hope I can be more confident enough to be able to speak more confidently in next session.

 I was about to forget to write about this, but I graduated from Winter Session 2018. I was surrounded by great teacher and friends. At first, I was worried about new classmates that whether I can get along with them or not, then, I gradually got used to the atmosphere. I had some problem with team workings in the middle of the course, but finally, I handled it with teammates and found some way to be happy for all of us. This term was filled with lessons especially how we should work with people. These are very needed in Japanese society. I’ll take advantage of it.

 From April 20th to 27th, I visited Florida with Aya. It was the first time to fly from Canada. We landed on the U.S. safely except little change on our flight. We went to outlet mall one day and Walt Disney World (WDW) for four days. Even though four days sound too much, but we needed more time to enjoy throughout. I had strange feeling that staffs, characters, everybody in WDW spoke English. That is not surprising because we were in English-speaking country, but I knew only Japanese-speaking Disney Land, and that is why I had that feeling. If I had been myself as I was one year before, I might have not understood what everybody said at WDW or even in the U.S. I traveled some places during this 8 months. I think it is good for us to go out of the city or country on our own to try our skills that we got from learning here or to know what difficulties I still struggle with.